To preface this:

I myself am a Hellenistic polytheist, as well as a Heathen. In normal people words this means that I worship Greek and Norse Gods as a religious practice. I know a thing or two about mythology, and I am a worshipper of Ares, the actual God of War. A lot of this is speculation and draws upon my own experience and views as a Hellenist and as a worshipper of Ares. In other words: UPG warning.



The God of War represents a lot of things. To claim that he represents bloodshed and violence is to be ignorant and blind to the reality of war, why wars happen, and what makes some people romanticize wars. Above all, wars, for the right people, represent standing up for what you believe in. To protect your homeland. To protect your family.

Above all, Ares/Mars (which I will use interchangeably here because I see Ares and Mars as one and the same) represents protection. The strong standing up for the weak, standing up for their beliefs, their ideals, their family and loved ones. As well as enduring all odds, surviving and persevering even when the entire world is against you. As the Gods are perfect, Ares represents the perfect image of a man, of masculinity itself.

You’ll ask me, “What the hell does any of that have to do with God of War the videogame series? Ares there is nothing like that!” And you’d be right. Ares in the 2005 videogame is ... a disgrace to say the least, but he doesn’t really try to represent Lord Ares correctly.

(Also it’s a 2005 videogame shut up who cares we can just kill shit WOOOO)

But that’s not what this section is about. It’s about Norse era, as strange as that is.

Because I am here to lay the claim:

Kratos became the actual true God of War.

Not the “God of Hope”. The God of War. The God of those who stand up for themselves despite the entire world despising them. Betraying them. Of those who choose to believe, love, trust and open their hearts to others, no matter how many times they were betrayed. Of those who persevere and endure, and lead by example.

The war with oneself is not pretty. No war is.

Yet Kratos was the one who went through all of it. Be it the gritty details of war, or the strength of spirit.

Kratos represents the God of War.

Kratos is the God of War.